OLCC Privatization Initiative Withdrawn
Problems with the drafting of the initiative led to delays in obtaining a final ballot title for the preferred version of the measure. The primary problem related to references to the word “tax.” The Oregonians for Competition, proponents of the initiative, wanted the word “tax” replaced with the phrase “revenue replacement fee.” The issue ended up at the Oregon Supreme Court where supporters and opponents of the measure made their arguments. On May 30th, the Court ruled to require a rewrite.
Ultimately, proponents of the measure would not have enough time to gather the 87,213 signatures needed to qualify an initiative for the November ballot by the July 3rd deadline. After the ruling, it would have likely taken another week or two for the Court to approve a revised ballot title.
Oregonians for Competition indicated that they plan to push for privatization in the 2015 Legislative session or on the 2016 ballot.